Saturday, August 28, 2010

Choke-Cherry Syrup

First for this recipe you need to live in an area where you can find the berries because you have to pick them yourself.

Rinse 12 lbs of choke-cherries run them through a food grinder so that the pit breaks and you can smell a nutty smell. A hand meat grinder works perfect.  Add 3 oz. tartaric acid and 2 qts water.
Let it sit for 48 hours.
Next strain the mixture through a cheese cloth or in my case the corner of a clean pillow case.

For every one cup of juice add 1.5 cups sugar.

Stir until the sugar dissolves.

Pour into jars and can in a hot-water bath canner for 20 minutes.


This is my favorite syrup, EVER!

1 comment:

MT Missy said...

Oh how I love that choke-cherry syrup!